How to use

How to Utilize GOEMON’s Strategies for Asset Protection

Capital Protected Insurance Vault

Goes to GOEMON Apps, "Strategies" Menu.

  1. Access the Strategies Menu:

    • Open the GOEMON app and navigate to the "Strategies" section.

  2. Lock USDC into the Vault:

    • Deposit your USDC into the designated Vault to initiate your trading strategy.

  3. Manage Market Fluctuations:

    • If the crypto prices drop: The vault will compensate by paying out an increased amount of USDC to cover the difference, ensuring your investment’s value is protected.

    • If the crypto prices rise: You will be able to withdraw the same amount of USDC that you initially deposited, securing your gains without any loss.

These steps outline how to engage with GOEMON’s financial tools to manage your crypto assets effectively under varying market conditions, providing both security and flexibility in your investment strategy.

Last updated